Home security made simple
Home Security for the Safety of Your Home and Family
There are over 1 million burglaries every year in the United States. A break-in occurs every 27 seconds in the US. That is a staggering statistic but one you can avoid being part of. 83% of would-be burglars check for the presence of an alarm system before attempting a break-in. By adding a home security system you can reduce your risk of being a victim of burglary while benefiting in many others ways as well.

Reasons to Consider Adding a Home Security System
home security 101: All You Need to Know
Major Consideration – Wired or Wireless Home Security
There are two major security types: wired systems and wireless systems. Each has it’s own pros and cons. Which you select definitely impacts the installation process, your interactions with the system, and what capabilities the system can handle.
Home Security System Options to Consider
Discover More About Adding a Home Security System
Preparations and What to Expect
Are you ready to add a home security system? Here is what you need to know about preparing for and getting your system installed.

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