All You Need to Know About Siding
We’ve all heard it before: vinyl siding lasts longer than wood siding, while cedar shakes outlast vinyl any day of the week. But it can be hard to know what types of siding are right for your home, especially if you live in an area where there are many different types of homes with different kinds of siding. To help you choose the right kind of siding for your home, we’ve put together this guide on the different types of siding you can get in each region of the country and how to care for them once they’re installed.
How Long Does Different Siding Last
Vinyl, like most exterior siding materials, lasts for about 20 years. When compared with other siding types, it’s long lasting and easy to repair. If a section gets damaged or is otherwise compromised in some way that limits its effectiveness at preventing water from entering your home, you’ll need to replace it in order to keep rain and other moisture out of your living space. There are many different ways of doing so, but one of the best methods is by using self-adhesive vinyl siding panels. With a clear protective film covering them until they’re installed on site, self-adhesive vinyl panels allow you to patch up even small areas without having to re-install new siding boards over a large area.
Cost of Different Materials
In general, you can expect siding that lasts longer to cost more than cheaper materials. That said, different types of siding materials vary widely in price depending on your region. For example, vinyl siding tends to be less expensive than aluminum, while wood shingles are generally cheaper than stone cladding. In terms of quality, it may be worth paying a little extra for longer-lasting materials like hardy lauan plywood or bamboo shakes and tiles. Both types of siding require significantly less maintenance than other types of siding over time. Talk with a builder or an architect about how much it would cost to add new siding in your area and what maintenance costs will look like once you’re done installing.
Pros and Cons of Exterior Finishes
For people in cold climates, siding is a necessity. Fortunately, there are many types of siding available, including vinyl and wood. These materials are extremely durable and come in a variety of styles and colors. To find out which exterior finish works best for your home or business, consider: The pros and cons of each type of siding, the average cost of each type by location (North, South, East, West), and the materials that go with different types of exterior finishes for siding. For example: brick houses use stone veneer or aluminum painted brick; wood-siding goes well with wood trim or aluminum; foam siding suits aluminum windows, framing, and porch railing.
The Most Common Type of Siding in Each Region
Each region of the country has their own variety of siding. So, for instance, if you’re located in the South, chances are you’re going to run into a lot of vinyl siding. It’s inexpensive and easy to work with. If you happen to live out West, however, adobe siding might be more your speed (although it can be expensive). Sometimes the most common types of siding aren’t the most effective types though; it all depends on what fits your lifestyle best.
Ready to get started on your project? Visit our Siding Projects to find out more.
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